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1 Strandgaten
Arendal, Aust-Agder, 4836


Arendal Vintners AS (AV) is a merchant of fine wines and an agent representing foreign wine makers in the Norwegian market. For collectors AV advises in wine investment, and does valuations and guidance in acquisition and sales processes. In addition AV provides a wine list management service for selected restaurants and wine bars, thus securing a wider service whiteout violating their cash flows. AV Provenance provides storage according to HKQAA standards and does auditing of professional storage facilities. 


The Arendal Vintners blog is about wine, wine areas, producers, markets, trade and related practicalities


Jesper Markman om markedet for Fin Vin/ Investors evening 8th February


Arendal Vintners invites to a presentation of opportunities in the Fine Wine market. The event will be at Bankgården Arendal, starting from 18.00, and is open to interested parties, but limited number of seats.

Jesper Markman er investeringsrådgiver i Skandinavias største selskap for investeringer i FIN VIN, danske Rare Wine Invest. Han sier: "Med højt afkast og lav risiko ligner vin den perfekte investering, og siden 2004 har vin givet et afkast på 180% og har dermed været en bedre investering end både ejendomme og aktier, som i samme periode har givet et afkast på 105%.
Sammenlignet med aktier er risikoen væsentligt lavere, og mens aktier kan stige den ene dag og falde den næste, leverer vin stabile og afkast år efter år og falder kun meget sjældent i værdi."


  • I møtet vil vi gjennomgå tema som:
  • Hvordan er markedet organisert?
  • Hvordan er den generelle markedsutviklingen?
  • Hvordan er investeringene teknisk tilrettelagt?
  • Hvordan kan jeg følge utviklingen i min portefølje?
  • Hvordan realiseres posisjonene?
  • Hvordan selge min samling ut av Norge?
  • How is the market organized
  • What has been the financial outputs from the market
  • How do I do my placements - and how do I follow the development
  • What are the tax implications
  • Do I need to store my purchases or is it a contract based market
  • How do I realize my positions 
  • Will Arendal Vintners buy my cellar?

Enter into cooperation with Rare Wine Invest


17 december-kopi.jpg

Rare Wine Invest is not only Denmarks leading company for investment in wines, it is also the leading one within Scandinavia. Now they have joined forces with Arendal Vintners to become even bigger in this market. To improve service to existing and new investors, is reason behind the cooperation.  During 2018 Arendal Vintners will invite for meetings, tastings and other exclusive sessions in most of Norway to promote fine wine as an asset. The cooperation also opens the gate for sale of collections in the international market. So, if you live in Norway – and want more information about investing in wine – we ask you to contact Areandal Vintners! Use or +47 4064 8083.

Annoncement from Rare wine Invest:

Rare Wine Invest er ikke bare Danmarks største formidler af investeringsvin, vi er også Skandinaviens største - og vi vil være endnu større!

For at kunne servicere kommende og nuværende Norske investorer endnu bedre, vil vi her præsentere vores nyeste samarbejdspartner i Norge - Arendal Vintners.

I samarbejde med de 4 kompetente ildsjæle bag Arendal Vintners; Cato, Anders, Lars N og Lars H, vil vi i løbet af 2018 afholde møder, foredrag, vinsmagninger og andre eksklusive arrangementer i det meste af Norge. Har du en stor privat kælder du vil sælge, kan vi også hjælpe med det!

Kan du ikke vente med at komme igang med din vininvestering - og er du bosat i Norge - kan du kontakte Arendal Vintners på eller +47 4064 8083.

Outside the box!


Chair of Board in Arendal Vintners, AS, Anders Holm.

Chair of Board in Arendal Vintners, AS, Anders Holm.

Anders Holm (MSc) is head of the board and the second founding partners of Arendal Vintners. He has special interest in what comes out of the Langhe valley, and is heading a local collectors´ society.  – For the fun of it, he says. Anders is providing insight from an interesting business career, and characterizes the monopolized system in Norway as both good and bad. - It secures high quality and trustworthy retail. At the same time you can judge it as an apparatus for the well-established and dominant distributors, he explains.  There are interesting opportinities for emerging entities like Arendal Vintners, if they are succeeding in doing business from outside the established framework, he continues.

- We have at least two challenges in this sector today. One is that the Norwegian restaurateurs and collectors are cut off from the goodies if they are not operating internationally. This constitutes an opportunity for a company like ours. We can help them out.  Secondly, you need to provide vintages ready to drink without having to store them for decades. To adjust for these anomalies, you need at least one finger in the international trade to have a sound business, Anders Holm states!

Investors evening 17th November


Arendal Vintners invites to a presentation of opportunities in the Fine Wine market. The event will be at Bankgården Arendal, starting from 18.00, and is open to interested parties, but limited no of seats.


  • How is the market organized
  • What has been the financial outputs from the market
  • How do I do my placements - and how do I follow the development
  • What are the tax implications
  • Do I need to store my purchases or is it a contract based market
  • How do I realize my positions 
  • Will Arendal Vintners buy my cellar?